My Two Cents
Browse the blog for Hannah’s take on financial news, career development, the future of financial planning, and life as a working mother.

What Maternity Leave Taught Me About Being a Business Owner
Content Warning: Pregnancy loss As a mother of three children between the ages of five and 15 months, I have officially resumed sleeping through the night… ninety percent of the time. Even better, two of my children can communicate! They’re talking in full sentences,...

The Time I Canceled Everything for a Duck Race
People ask me all the time how I do it all. It’s a legitimate question. There are a lot of irons in the fire. In the last four years, I went from having a small RIA to launching Amplified Planning, where my husband, Charlie, and I run The Externship, a virtual summer...

Making the Holidays Magical Without Raising Entitled Kids
Every December, my personal life as a parent and my professional role as a financial planner collide. My financial planning clients echo the same concerns my husband and I have about gift-giving and creating a memorable experience for our children: How much should we...